Reflecting on National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Did you know October was Disability Employment Month? So how did the disability community get to where they are today? History of the Disability Rights Movement began back in the early 1800s with the opening of the first school opening for the Deaf and Hard of hearing community as well as in early 1900s with […]

Sensory Processing & Behavior Management

Ethan & the Bean was pleased to host our first workshop in the Educate & Advocate Series for Parents and Families. We were joined by speakers Victoria Gazzillo, MS, OTR/L and Brittany Smith, MOT, OTR/L of Jump Ahead Pediatric Therapy. Topics discussed included: Overview of a child’s sensory system (the 7 senses) What each sense can look […]

So are Developmental Disability and Developmental Delay the same thing, you ask?

wooden mountain stackers and wooden animal toys

They are not. A Developmental Delay is when a child does not reach their developmental milestones in the expected times (primarily during the first three years of life) without a known cause or condition. Whereas a Developmental Disability is a restriction of ability caused by the condition itself. Want to know more? Post a comment […]


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