an ethan & the bean blog post

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Advancing Access & Equity Poster for National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Every October we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness month and this year is particularly momentous as it marks the 50th Anniversary of the passing of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This landmark legislation broke down barriers to inclusion in the workplace but adversity and barriers to participation and full inclusion still exist. To advance access and equity in the workplace we promote awareness around hiring individuals with varying disabilities, recognizing that having a disability doesn’t mean that a person is not able. We create space for allyship in the workplace and advocate for accessibility for all types of disabilities. We reimagine how best we can support and include individuals with disabilities in work and beyond and investigate resources that exist and combine with our efforts to empower the community.

This year marks a profound transformation for us here at Ethan & the Bean. We are expanding into a new space in Morristown to be located in the brand Valley Bank NJ headquarters. Our team is expanding to take on this new venture and we welcomed Nitasha Dickes to serve as Operations and Development Manager. We got lucky with this one; coffee is her jam!

Operations Development Manager, Nitasha Dickes, in front of Valley Bank headquarters, our future location.

Nitasha’s love and knowledge of ☕️ are ever expanding. She brings 4+ years experience in the coffee industry from small boutique shops in NYC to high volume to mobile events. Not only does she have strong coffee knowledge she is a Board Certified Behavior analyst (BCBA) and has worked with individuals with autism ranging from ages 2-50 years old for 16+ years in various settings. With all her talent, we are truly excited and grateful to have her join the ETB Team to expand the reach of our mission into the vibrant city of Morristown and beyond.

We recently began our second year of Corner Coffee University that currently serves 9 students from the Deron School located in Montclair, NJ. This comprehensive pre-vocational training program encompasses topics from safety to baking to hygiene to working in hospitality. The purpose of CCU is to provide learners job readiness skills to better equip them for workplace and employment opportunities once they age out of public education. We are also pleased to welcome 2 additional learners from Deron who work in the cafe itself to develop work-based skills.

Barista Rocco working on a batch of cookies

We will also host a Vision Board Workshop on October 26 and encourage individuals of all ages and abilities to join us and craft their vision for meaningful employment and inclusion. RSVP here.

Everyone here at ETB will continue to bring light and awareness around inclusion for all in the workplace. Starting with our very own ETB crew! We want to embrace the diversity and uniqueness of our team and appreciate all they do! We are small but mighty. And continued growth is on the horizon allowing us to expand our impact. How are you observing National Disability Employment Awareness Month? Learn more at

We are > than the stigma.


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