Access to Good Jobs for All.

We recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) each October to commemorate the many contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. The theme for NDEAM 2024 is “Access to Good Jobs for All.” To find ways to participate, visit the main NDEAM webpage. This year marks the ongoing transformation for us here at […]
Ethan & the Bean is Hiring!

It is a critical time of transition and growth here at Ethan & the Bean and we are hiring! See below the open opportunities. To inquire and apply, email Training Support Team Member LOCATION: Little Falls and/or MorristownJOB DESCRIPTION: As the Training Support Team Member, you will be a role model of the brand, […]
ETB receives Morristown Women in Business ‘Newer Business Award’

Scenes from Morristown Women In Business Awards where Pam Donovan and Ethan & the Bean were awarded the “Newer Business Award’! The event was hosted at MPAC Starlight Room. Congratulations to the ETB team for making waves in the Morristown community in the pursuit of creating jobs and enrichment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and […]
What is Competitive Integrated Employment

Defining CIE The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) defines competitive integrated employment (CIE) as work that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis for which an individual is: Learn more Blending, Braiding, and Sequencing Resource leveraging and service coordination across various public systems can increase competitive integrated employment (CIE) for workers with disabilities. Through collaborative […]
Ethan & the Bean turns 4

In our fourth year, Ethan and the Bean is undergoing quite the transformation, poised to open their second location in Morristown, NJ and rebranding to mark the forward momentum of their mission. What began as a sole coffee shop founded by Pam and Pat Donovan to create employment for their son, Ethan, and other individuals […]
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Every October we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness month and this year is particularly momentous as it marks the 50th Anniversary of the passing of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This landmark legislation broke down barriers to inclusion in the workplace but adversity and barriers to participation and full inclusion still exist. To advance access […]
Artist on Display: DIG

If you’ve been to the cafe recently, you’ve probably seen that we have new artwork on display. One of our goals at Ethan & the Bean is to support our community. One of the ways we do this is featuring local artists. The artist currently being featured is DIG. Her works are in various mediums […]
Summer Specials have arrived!

Summer specials are here and you will not want to miss them. We have a range of new flavors and offerings for every palate. We look forward to seeing you in the space this summer. First up, we are pleased to share Ethan’s Lemonade Stand specials. Summer Shandyour house lemonade topped with our wicked cold […]
Love is Sweet; lattes too.

February is going fast and so are our specials for this month! As we head into the latter half of this month, we want to shine a spotlight on the specials we have available, all courtesy of the brilliant mind of our manager Mike. Strawberry Sweetheart One of my personal favorites, Strawberry Sweetheart is a […]
ETB’s Expanding to Morristown, NJ

We are pleased to report that Ethan & the Bean is growing. We are slated to serve the Morristown community in Valley National Bank’s New Jersey headquarters! Learn more about the construction and progress here. The news comes at a critical time as we endeavor to create more opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities to […]